💡USE A FLEECE TO KNOW #GOD’s WILL⁉️ ✅OR❎ #Devotional #Christian #shorts #Religion #Wisdom #Bible

Should a Christian put out a fleece to determine God’s will?

Gideon put a wool fleece down overnight and asked God to make it wet and the ground dry.

The next day to make the fleece dry and the ground wet.

If God did this he would take it as a sign to go to battle.

And so people have tried different tests to see what God’s will is.

Is that a valid way to determine God’s will for a Christian?
This was at a time period when Israel was doing everything that was right in their own eyes.

They were not listening to the Law or the Word of God.

And so I would encourage you to stay away from testing God as Gideon and develop more reliable principles from Scripture in discerning God’s will.

Don’t follow a pattern from Israel's dark history.
Follow clearer principles of light.

We’ll handle five of them in the days to come.


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