Lloyd Jones and Billy Graham – Association or Separation

I just finished Ian Murray’s biography on Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones.  His ministry is an inspiration to me.  I love the simple consistency he exhibited and his reliance upon God ordained methods to accomplish God’s purposes.

One area I find Lloyd Jones exhibited great wisdom was how he graciously resisted the overwhelming tide of the ecumenism of his day.

Dr. Lloyd Jones believed that the ends should not justify the means.  In the 1950’s, ecumenism in England was championed by most Evangelical leaders.  Leaders like J I Packer believed that they were to gain greater respect by association with and dialog within theologically liberal associations.  The hope was to heal the cancerous body from within by being a healthy cell.  His end goal – a more respected evangelical voice. His means – accommodation with theological error.

Most conservative evangelicals[1] today side with Lloyd Jones against Packer.  Association with those who deny fundamental truths of Scripture is wrong, no matter what we gain from it.  After all, Jude pleads to “earnestly contend for the faith.”[2]  Accommodation with those who deny fundamental tenets of Scripture is far from contention for the faith.  Paul’s repeated warnings against false teachers is clearly an “unaccommodating” tone.  “Let them be accursed.”  “I wish they were mutilated.”[3]  This fierce tone does not just come from Jude and Paul, it is Jesus’ tone with the Pharisees as well.[4] This is God’s tone with all theological error, because theological error is spiritually lethal.  The spiritual harm done through false teaching is not something that we may opt to take lightly.  It breeds eternal consequences, and kindness toward these ministries is unloving.  We must recognize that Satan is behind false teaching that distorts Christ’s Gospel.  Paul warns Timothy of “doctrines of demons.”[5]  A Pastors’ charge then is never to accommodate or associate but to repudiate and separate.  Paul warns the Ephesian Elders in Acts 20 of the fierce wolves that were to come to ravage the flock.  Doctrine that does not adhere to the apostles teaching is wrong.  It harms people eternally so it must be resisted faithfully and vehemently.

Then what about those Evangelical leaders who do take the rout of accommodation?  What should we do when someone is very clear on the fundamental truths of Scripture themselves, but celebrates a ministry that is built upon this principle of accommodation? 

Consider Lloyd Jones’ response to Billy Graham’s ministry in Europe.  In the 1950’s Billy Graham took a definite shift from separation to accommodation and cooperation with those who do not hold the fundamentals of the Christian faith.  He did this to preach the Gospel to a much larger audience.  His cooperation worked in one sense; he gained a much larger audience to share the Gospel.  However, to do so, he had to associate and even promote ministries, denominations and church leaders that were undermining this very Gospel.  He too chose the ends over means.  And it added to the large push toward ecumenism.  Instead of a healthy front against theological error, there was a smile, nod, shake hands and appear unified with theological error.  It was devastating.  And Lloyd Jones saw through it.

When Graham asked Lloyd Jones to be the chairman for the upcoming World Counsel of Evangelism and they met face to face to talk about it.  Lloyd Jones gave Graham this response:

“I said I’d make a bargain:  if he would stop the general sponsorship of his campaigns – stop having liberals and Roman Catholics on the platform – and drop the invitation system, I would whole heartedly support him and chair the Congress.  We talked for about three hours, but he didn’t accept these conditions.”[6]

Although Graham continued in his accommodation approach, even more emphatically so, Lloyd Jones continued the gentle biblical approach.  In his day, he received much opposition for this, but I believe History justifies his concern.

“What is the value of evangelicals affirming a statement of faith if they see no harm in making common cause with those who teach the opposite?”[7]

[1] I’m sickened by the growing number of “evangelicals” who do not hold to the fundamental principles of the evangel.  They do not insist on the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus or salvation by grace alone through faith alone through Christ alone.  They do not affirm sola scriptura.  
[2] Jude 1:3
[3] Galatians 1:8; 5:12
[4] Matthew 23
[5] 1 Timothy 4:1
[6] The Life of Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones by Ian Murray Banner of Truth Trust, 2013. Page 371.
[7] Ibid 372


  1. Tim, good post. One small nit to pick! "tenets" not "tenants" -- a word use that always sounds like fingernails on chalkboard in my mind!

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3


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