🔑KEY TO BEING STRONG AND COURAGEOUS 💪 Spiritually #Daily #Devotional #Christian #shorts #Religion

As God calls us to pick up difficult tasks in life, He gives us two encouraging words. First, "Be strong and courageous!" We sure need that word of encouragement. Don't falter or fall aside when things get tough-be strong! Confidently move forward even into territory that is bleak and hard. Take courage!

But the other word of comfort is also essential. As Moses ends the "Sermon" called Deuteronomy, the Lord often encourages Israel with another four word promise. For I am with you. We have no confidence or strength if the Lord does not go before us.

So, today as the Lord calls us to walk into unknown territory that looks difficult. Let's be strong; let's be courageous. Because the Lord is with us. Because of the Gospel, we know Immanuel better than any people in world History. God is with us. Come what may.

Then He commissioned Joshua the son of Nun, and said, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall bring the sons of Israel into the land which I swore to them, and I will be with you" (Deuteronomy 31:23 (NASB95)).


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