#4️⃣☀️RAYS OF 📣 #PRAISE ‼️🟰 #GOD IS… ALL KNOWING ❤️🙏#Devotional #Christian #shorts #Religion

God Knows Us.
There is nothing that God does not know! He knows all - we refer to this as His omniscience.
"omni" - all + “scientia” (knowledge),
He knows all about you, my friend! I love how the Bible puts it:
He is intimately acquainted with all your ways. He knows what you are going through what you have been through and what you will go through. Don’t follow the lie that says God doesn't notice - He knows and He cares.
So pour out your heart to Him in prayer.

Daily Scripture Reading:
  • Saturday, April 20th - Joshua 21:1-22:20; Luke 20:1-26; Psalm 89:1-13; Proverbs 13:15-16
  • Sunday, April 21st - Joshua 22:21-23:16; Luke 20:27-47; Psalm 89:14-37; Proverbs 13:17-19
  • Monday, April 22nd - Joshua 24:1-33; Luke 21:1-28; Psalm 89:38-52; Proverbs 13:20-23
  • Tuesday, April 23rd - Judges 1:1-2:9; Luke 21:29-22:13; Psalms 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 13:24-26
  • Wednesday, April 24th - Judges 2:10-3:31; Luke 22:14-34; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 14:1-2
  • Thursday, April 25th - Judges 4:1-5:31; Luke 22:35-53; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 14:3-4


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