The Faith-building, fact of the miraculous bones of Jesus. #Devotional #Christian

Have you considered the miraculous nature of Jesus' bones? I love this fact. If you consider all the beatings, whippings, nail-piercing hammering, jarring, pushing prodding, slashing and skull thorning that was involved in Jesus' painful, gruesome crucifixion, you would assume one or several of His bones would have been broken... And yet, in all the severe pressure, and suffering, not one of them broke in all the severe trial. He carried the cross beam through the city. He endured several beatings. And yet, not one broken bone. That is astounding! Yes, I would say even miraculous.

You see, it was prophesied 1,000 years before the crucifixion that His bones would not be broken. The severest punishment known to man emptied Him of blood, beat Him to where He was unrecognizable. But God said - no bones broken. So none of them were broken. It shows us the great, sovereign power of His Father. To allow so much suffering on behalf of us. But He put a limit on it to show HIs power, to show He was sovereign in suffering.

Yes, even at the cross, God was in control. That shows us His power, His glory and also encourages us to trust Him when we face severest trials. God is in control and sovereign even in suffering.

"But coming to Jesus, when they saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out. And he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you also may believe. For these things came to pass to fulfill the Scripture, “Not a bone of Him shall be broken (John 19:33–36).

“It is to be eaten in a single house; you are not to bring forth any of the flesh outside of the house, nor are you to break any bone of it" (Exodus 12:46–47).

"He keeps all his bones, Not one of them is broken" (Psalm 34:20).

Daily Scripture Reading
Monday, March 4th - Numbers 2:1-3:51; Mark 11:27-12:17; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 10:24-25
Tuesday, March 5th - Numbers 4:1-5:31; Mark 12:18-37; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 10:26
Wednesday, March 6th - Numbers 6:1-7:89; Mark 12:38-13:13; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 10:27-28


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