Can GOD use YOU? THE DONKEY Principle #Devotional #ScriptureReading #BalaamsDonkey

Can God use you? That's a good question. One that I hope you will consider today. It is a glorious privilege to serve God. And yet, at times, we feel our weaknesses outweigh our usefulness. Or perhaps our strengths are rather small compared with other's strengths. 

That's looking at it the wrong way, right? Any time God uses us the strength and usefulness comes from Him, and not from the person He uses. We are simple tools in His hand and even the weakest can do so much more when submitting to Him and walking with Him. Gideon's smallest army, the lad's little lunch, even the rabble of 12 young men called Apostles, all teach the principle that God can use anyone. 

Another story that teaches God's use of anything and anyone is when Balaam's donkey has more sense than the prophet. The donkey obeyed the Lord, protected his master, and eventually had to confront him as the Lord enabled the donkey to speak. Yes, if God can use a donkey to speak, He can use anyone. A great message for the prophet as He was about to use Balaam's mouth to speak a prophecy about Messiah (Numbers 22). 

The gift and ability is not the issue. God is. And that He even delights to use those who the world would think less than or not quite measuring up. So that we would not boast in our own accomplishments but in His strength. 

"God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong... so that no man may boast before God" (1 Corinthians 1:27-29).

So yes, God wants to use you today! Stay close to Him and be willing and He will use you.

Daily Bible Reading Schedule

  • Wednesday, March 13th - Numbers 19:1-20:29; Luke 1:1-25; Psalm 56:1-13; Proverbs 11:8
  • Thursday, March 14th - Numbers 21:1-22:20; Luke 1:26-56; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 11:9-11
  • Friday, March 15th - Numbers 22:21-23:30; Luke 1:57-80; Psalm 58:1-11; Proverbs 11:12-13
  • Saturday, March 16th - Numbers 24:1-25:18; Luke 2:1-35; Psalm 49:1-17; Proverbs 11:14
  • Sunday, March 17th - Numbers 26:1-51; Luke 2:36-52; Psalm 60:1-12; Proverbs 11:15
  • Monday, March 18th - Numbers 26:52-28:15; Luke 3:1-22; Psalm 61:1-8; Proverbs 11:16-17


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