⚠️WHAT Does #SATAN LOOK 👀LIKE⁉️Don’t be fooled. #Daily #Christian #shorts

 Have you ever wondered what Satan looks like?

You don't have to wonder because the Bible tells us. And this is such an important truth for you to understand.

Of course, we know that he is a slanderer, deceiver and destroyer. He is a lion that is lurking in the shadows ready to pounce and prey on the easy victim.

But he wears disguises.

14No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14 (NASB95)

He will come to you to deceive you looking like a good messenger - one of light, not of darkness…

That person may come as upright and put together and kind but its a disguise - inside they are coming as a lion to destroy.

So how do you know him?
By what he says and does. 

You have to test everyone by what they say - does it meet the standard of God’s Word. If not, don’t belive them.

Even if they say they are Christian - in that day, people called themselves Apostles and Pauls says they were false like satan disguised.

Even Peter when he tried to keep Jesus back from His mission of the cross was being used by satan.

Jesus says to Peter - get behind me satan.

So test every YouTUbe channel, teacher, friend… Does their word match God’s Word.

And does the way the live reflect the person and work of Christ.


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