Last night I went to a Thrift Shop - found a record of George Beverley Shea, that’s a treasure. But it was interesting how many Bibles were there - probably 8 or so. More than any other book.

Now it's the best selling book of all time. But there's also just something in us that says we shouldn’t trash these holy pages. I feel the same way!

It's interesting to me that the Lord had me read Psalm 50 in my time with Him this morning.

Psalm 50:17 (NLT) 17For you refuse my discipline and treat my words like trash.

In that context, He is talking about those who hear and recite the Word but don’t obey it. They approve thieves and are with adulterers, they lie and slander. And as they disregard God’s sayings by not obeying them. They are despising them - they are treating them like garbage.

So - devotional though for today - don’t treat God’s Word like trash - obey it!


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