🌻#BURDENED with #LIFE? Find #COMFORT in #GOD #Daily #Christian #Shorts #ObjectLesson #Sunflower

This time of year the sunflowers are feeling the weight of their lot in life... Their seeds far outweigh their flower... but its God's design to re-populate the earth with more beautiful sunflowers next year.

Often we feel weighed down with the obligations of life - what Psalm 55:22 states as our cares - our lot or what is given to us to cary. We are encouraged to cast that burden on the Lord because He will sustain - or carry us. He will not let the righteous person be shaken. They will stand firm as they throw those burdened and responsibilities on Him to carry for us. He gives them to you to entrust back to Him. Psalm 55:22 (NASB95) 22Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.


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