
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Secret to God's Presence - Where does God live? 🏯 #SECRET 2️⃣ #IMPORTANT #BIBLE #Truth #Christian #Daily #Devotional #Shorts

Where does God live? There's an amazing prophecy in Isaiah 57:15 that gives the answer. "For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: So God lives in eternity, in the realm of the infinite, that which is outside of time. This is a realm we cannot enter on our own. It is high, holy, and above us. A different dimension of existence altogether. And the One who is I AM dwells there - before Abraham was He IS. Mind-blowing truth there! But it gets richer still friend: The verse goes on to say that He also dwells with the person Who is contrite and humble. 'I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.'" As we humble our self-righteous soul and come to God for forgiveness through His Gospel, He dwells with us. He delights to be Immanuel. God with you. What a glorious, gracious God! Holy and Lowly.

☔️⛈️💧#Rain #FLOODS ⁉️#STRONG #FOUNDATION 🟰🪨 #JESUS #Word #daily #devotional #Shorts #Ophelia #NYC

Finding the High Ground in Life’s FLOODS We’ve had six inches of rain here in NYC and I’m reminded again of the destructive power of floods… and the powerful illustration that Jesus gives to end his most famous sermon on the mount. I wonder if it began to rain there on the hillside causing Him to close… If a building is built on a strong rock foundation it will stand the storms of life. If its built on sand or any substance that will not stand, it will be destroyed when the floods and rain fall. AND SO JESUS STATES – LIFE BRINGS FLOODS> You can’t stand without building your life on His Words. He compares following His teaching as the only way to stand solid in life. Build your life on Jesus Christ today my friends!   Matthew 7:24–29 (NASB95) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not ...

CAN I #SEE GOD⁉️ 🌤️🔭👀WHAT DOES #GOD LOOK LIKE? #Daily #Devotional #Christian

What does God look like? The Bible says:   18 No one has ever seen God,   So we can’t draw our own image of what we want God to be like. But the verse goes on and reveals to us what He looks like.   but the one and only Son, (Jesus) who is himself God and  is in closest relationship with the Father,  has made him known.   So if you want to know what God looks like… Open your Bible and read about Jesus. Let me encourage you to open the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and read them in this light. I’m learning more about God as He desires me to see HIm. How encouraging!

Planting A Gospel Garden in Your Community: How and Why - #Evangelistic #Bible Study

  Jesus used some wonderful illustrations to teach His truth. The parable of the soils shows us that the power of spiritual fruit is in the seed, not the sower. Let me encourage you to put the Gospel seed to work in your community by starting an evangelistic Bible study through one of the four Gospels. We've enjoyed going through the Gospel of John in our neighborhood over the past year and have enjoyed watching the Lord bring fruit. Pray that He will do the same in your area. Watch Him powerfully use HIs Gospel seed.

📜ANCIENT #BIBLE #CURSE still VALID⁉️ #Gospel #Truth #Daily #Christian #Devotional #shorts

Did you know that there are curses in the Bible that are still valid today? We find three in the book of Galatians alone. Paul says - “Let him be accursed!” Strong words! Who is he speaking about? Galatians 1:8 (NASB95) 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! If someone comes and brings a different Gospel. A Gospel other than the Good News that Jesus died for our sins and earned our favor. In Galatia, there were those who were teaching that you could earn God’s favor, or maintain God’s favor through works contained in the Mosaic Law. This teaching nullifies Christ’s work on the cross as insufficient. We are complete in Christ, and have died to that way of living to live a life dedicated to Christ. A life filled with His Spirit and not chained to the Law. Galatians 2:16 (NASB95) 16 nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, eve...

Finding a Fortress when Faint #Faith #Devotional

2 From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  3 For You have been a refuge for me, A tower of strength against the enemy. What do you do when you feel faint: to pass out from weakness or physical or emotional distress. David states - when my heart is faint - Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. You can only go so far - you need a higher sturdier, safer refuge - and that is the Lord today. Are you feeling faint with Life? The word is ready to pass out from weakness or physical or emotional distress. Then you need God as your refuge, tower, strength. He is our hiding place. Go to God today in your distress. Ask Him for strength, for refuge, and take solace in Him.

Did #JESUS Celebrate Rosh Hashanah❔HAPPY #ROSHHASHANAH ‼️#Daily #Christian #Devotional #Shorts #NYC

Happy Rosh Hashanah 2023 - In Jewish culture this is the head of the New Year. So, Jesus would have celebrated this holiday every year with HIs family. As is custom, there is a desire to search hearts and make amends and repent of wrong practices to prepare for the Day of Atonement, that would follow in ten days. On the day of atonement there would be a sacrifice for sins. As Jesus calls us to follow Him, He calls us to a Happy New Year every day - to continue to be turning from sin… and to trust in His past sacrifice that was given Once for all! Keep believing in That Sacrifice. So, turn to a new page this Rosh Hashanah - Turn To Christ as your Complete, once and for all sacrifice!

🌻#BURDENED with #LIFE? Find #COMFORT in #GOD #Daily #Christian #Shorts #ObjectLesson #Sunflower

This time of year the sunflowers are feeling the weight of their lot in life... Their seeds far outweigh their flower... but its God's design to re-populate the earth with more beautiful sunflowers next year. Often we feel weighed down with the obligations of life - what Psalm 55:22 states as our cares - our lot or what is given to us to cary. We are encouraged to cast that burden on the Lord because He will sustain - or carry us. He will not let the righteous person be shaken. They will stand firm as they throw those burdened and responsibilities on Him to carry for us. He gives them to you to entrust back to Him. Psalm 55:22 (NASB95) 22Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

⚠️WHAT Does #SATAN LOOK 👀LIKE⁉️Don’t be fooled. #Daily #Christian #shorts

  Have you ever wondered what Satan looks like? You don't have to wonder because the Bible tells us. And t his is such an important truth for you to understand. Of course, we know that he is a slanderer, deceiver and destroyer. He is a lion that is lurking in the shadows ready to pounce and prey on the easy victim. But he wears disguises. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14 (NASB95) He will come to you to deceive you looking like a good messenger - one of light, not of darkness… That person may come as upright and put together and kind but its a disguise - inside they are coming as a lion to destroy. So how do you know him? By what he says and does.  You have to test everyone by what they say - does it meet the standard of God’s Word. If not, don’t belive them. Even if they say they are Christian - in that day, people called themselves Apostles and Pauls says they were false like satan disguised. Even Peter when he tried to...

📣Coach Yourself - What to say to yourself when you're SAD: "Find HOPE in God"

You are your best coach, and when you are down it is important to give the best advice to yourself. Coach yourself through the down times by pointing yourself to the hope you have in God. The Psalmist does just that in Psalm 42. He is down and his soul is in turmoil. So he asks himself why and encourages himself to find hope in God. Psalm 42:5–6 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!

What do you do when your boss is angry?

What do you do when your boss is angry? This week we’ll be looking at Wisdom principles from Ecclesiastes - Solomon’s book of wisdom in the Bible. Ecclesiastes is a deep book overall, but it also includes some short pithy points of wisdom that “goad us along” in the right way. And several of these are about our work ethic. TODAY We’ll discover WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUR BOSS IS ANGRY! Let’s consider three points from Ecclesiastes 8:4 “If your boss is angry at you, don’t quit!  A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.” First - Don’t Quit: Don’t give up, don’t bail out. Just take a moment to breathe. It may not be as bad as you think, so take it easy - don’t throw away a career with one bad week! Second - Own it: The text implies someone who has admitted their mistake and is read to take their lumps and move forward.A quiet spirit overcomes even great mistakes. So, own it - take your lumps. Third - Be quiet: As you own it… own it in quiet. Speak your side of the story but you m...


  Last night I went to a Thrift Shop - found a record of George Beverley Shea, that’s a treasure.  But it was interesting how many Bibles were there - probably 8 or so. More than any other book. Now it's the best selling book of all time. But there's also just something in us that says we shouldn’t trash these holy pages. I feel the same way! It's interesting to me that the Lord had me read Psalm 50 in my time with Him this morning. Psalm 50:17 (NLT) 17 For you refuse my discipline and treat my words like trash. In that context, He is talking about those who hear and recite the Word but don’t obey it. They approve thieves and are with adulterers, they lie and slander. And as they disregard God’s sayings by not obeying them. They are despising them - they are treating them like garbage. So - devotional though for today - don’t treat God’s Word like trash - obey it!