Read your Bible (Reason #5) – God’s Word is the only wise foundation for life.

Try to picture Jesus teaching to an ever expanding group of people on a green hillside.  The hillside slopes down gradually to what appears to be a large lake.  He is rustling the feathers of the religious leaders sitting off to one side closer to the front.  Perhaps another pocket of them stand further back to the left.  But Jesus teaches very practical truths to the everyday person and they are scattered on the ground all around Him.  Woodworkers, farmers, fathers and mothers are drinking in the word pictures Jesus uses – it is language they can understand.  And so they listen in silence.  Occasionally a bird’s call breaks the silence, or the shuffling of people trying to get in closer to hear even better.  You can sense some tension in the air because Jesus is teaching differently than the religious establishment.  By now it is probably evening – the sun is setting and hundreds have gathered around to hear the Rabbi.  Now, listen to how Jesus concludes what is the longest recorded sermon in the New Testament:

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.  And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.  Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand" (Matthew 7:24-26).

Wow, what a claim!  And I’m sure they were taken aback that day too.  If you listen to Jesus, you are wise and will be saved.  If you do not listen to His words, you are foolish and will be destroyed.  An astounding claim to be sure.  Do you believe this?  Do you believe that Jesus Words as revealed in the Bible are foundational to your life?  Do you believe that falling or standing in life depends on your taking heed to what He says?   If you do, then you will sit and listen to His words each day, ready to live out what He commands.

Foundations are essential to longevity.  Consider the foundation of the Brooklyn Bridge.  The Brooklyn Bridge was one of the greatest achievements of its day.  Considering that most of it was built before electricity is an even more astounding accomplishment.  Historians tell us that the most difficult phase of building the bridge was finding a way to dig down to a rock foundation.  In order to hit bedrock, they had to dig out sand and dirt under water.  Not an easy undertaking.  In order to dig while under water they developed large airtight cylinders in which to work to remove the dirt.  On the Manhattan side of the bridge, the foundation needed be dug down 78 feet below the riverbed before they hit bedrock.  It was not only a difficult procedure it was also a deadly task. At least 20 men died while working on the foundation.  And many more were affected long term by digging in the pressurized cavity.  Laying the foundation took three years.  Because they took so much time and effort to build upon rock the bridge still stands strong today.  Building your life on the right foundation is just as important.

As you listen to God through His Words and build your life on what He says, you are a wise builder - and your life will stand.  If you do otherwise, you are foolish, and your life will be destroyed.  Let me encourage you once again to take up and read God’s Word each day this year.  Listen to Him, and obey Him.


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