Read the Bible: Reason #1 - Eating God’s Word fills your heart with joy.

Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet, and for good reason.  His message was often laced with words of distress and grief.  As a prophet he was required to give God’s people God’s message and the message was usually negative-words of judgment.  However, there are several breaks in those clouds.  One such break has to do with God’s Word.

“Your words were found and I ate them, 
And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart;
For I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts” (Jeremiah 15:16).

God’s Words were a joy to Jeremiah.  His delight in life was not determined by the circumstances surrounding him.  For the circumstances were certainly dire!  People hated Jeremiah for the Words he spoke for God.  He was standing on the brink of national destruction and his heart ached for His land.  But in the darkness he found a great joy in eating God's Word. 

To this day there is still a deep abiding joy for all who eat God’s message no matter what your circumstances.  Consider a couple reasons from Jeremiah’s message.

There is joy in the fact of God speaking.

One reason eating God's Words brought joy was that he is “called by God’s name.”  This is a beautiful thought.  Have you ever considered that the very fact that God speaks to you in the Bible means you are His?  He is God.  He is great.  No brain can begin to fathom the beginning of the glory of the Being that is revealed in Scripture as our God.  And yet He speaks to us about Himself.  He sends, morning by morning, messages of love at the doorstep of our heart. 

If you were to receive messages of kindness from a human dignitary every day, you would rejoice.  Much greater this fact!  God Himself communicates with you.  If we were to allow this truth to hit us anew we would never tire of His Message, the Bible.  Our eyes would pour over its pages every day ravaging the Message for communication from our Creator.  Let it strike you anew!  God speaks, and He speaks to you.  That is a glorious truth – so pick it up and eat it.  Eat the message of God's Word every day this year.

There is joy in the message that God speaks.

Not only is Jeremiah enjoying the truth that God speaks to him.  But as you read on, he rejoices in the message itself.  The message he reveals in chapter 15 is that God will have mercy if His people return (Jeremiah 15:19-21). 

God's Word is always is always a message of comfort because it reveals God and Who He is.  He is the God of comfort and His Words bring needed comfort to our soul. 

Humanity needs communication with God.  From the first days of History, after we rejected that communion, our hearts have cried out for something else that would bring back the joy of communion with our Creator.  A cosmic hunger cries out for communication.  And nothing else heals.  Nothing else satisfies.  Nothing else will do.  We need to hear from Him, and commune with Him.  That and only that will delight us.  His Speech will quench the inner thirst of the soul.

Since God’s Words brings joy – eat!

So eat!  Please feed daily on the Words of God this year.  If you do not you will not experience God’s joy.  And if you do, then you will experience His joy.  What will you face this year?  Perhaps, like Jeremiah, you will face circumstances that will be daunting, and even bring tears.  But in the dark times when the storm clouds gather and life’s storms make you fear for your soul, you can sit securely with joy in your heart by abiding in God’s Message.  Through the tears God will give you joy.  No matter your circumstances, His message will bring joy. 

Let me encourage you to eat God’s Word every day in this New Year.  Commit to this task and pursue Him with all your heart! 

I want to offer two valuable resources that will help you in this.  They are an overview study on how to develop a daily devotional time with God, and a companion workbook that will give you a tool to keep a daily log of your joyful communion with your Maker.  Click below:

Whether you use these tools, a different resource, or just pick up and eat all on your own.  Eating is essential, so don't let another day pass without feeding your soul.  Eat dear friend, eat.


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