Get into God's Word in the New Year!

Let me encourage you to be in God’s Word every day this year.  Commit to this task and pursue Him with all your heart!  I want to offer two valuable resources that will help you in this essential practice.  Below you will find an overview of how to develop a daily devotional time with God, and a companion workbook. 

The workbook is new this year and will give you a tool to keep a daily log of your joyful communion with your Maker.  It is designed to take the LIFE studies booklet and guide you through the daily practice.

You can view/read online for free, pick one up at our church for free, or order one below and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.  I trust they will both be helpful to you! 

To purchase Developing a Daily Devotional Time ($4), please click below.

To order Developing a Daily Devotional Time WORKBOOK ($5), please click below.


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