10 TIPS ✅for🌟CHRISTMAS HAPPINESS🟰Handling Sadness of the Season #Christian #Christmas Perspective

This season Christmas and New Years can be a great joy… But it is also a stressful time and for some a time of sadness because of past events that can slip into a period of sadness.

So let’s look at ten practical Christian Tips to Curb the Sadness in the Christmas Season. WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU ARE FEELING BLUE THIS CHRISTMAS? We’ll try to end with the most important ones. 10 – Forgetting all Sadness is Impossible – It’s ok to weep a bit. Don’t pretend like you don’t miss someone. Don’t pretend that the pain wasn’t there. Don’t pretend that there’s not a bit more of a load right now. Don’t pretend like there’s sunshine all day for 15 hours a day. Accept it and move on. But move on from the pain to first - remember the good. It is interesting that in the Christian calendar, God orchestrates a weekly remembrance of the resurrection, but He also commands a remembrance of the cross that brings that salvation. Don’t forget the hard times. Remember the lessons there. 9 – Find Joy in Spiritual Blessings that are Not Temporal Reminisce with old photos or other positive things of your past. Christmas is not about Trees and Rudolph and even Family and Warmth. It’s the fact that God the Father loved you enough to send His Son in Human flesh to die for you. This is amazing! These spiritual joys will never go away. SO we focus on the reason for the season. 8 – Future is Great! Praise God for What You Have and What you Will Have Count your blessings. This gets you focusing on the positive. Even after Jeremiah had lost everything, he was able to focus on the positive things that he had in GOD. Also, as you think about the past, don’t think that there’s nothing pleasant about the future - your personality may just be that way. DON’T! It's like reading a good book, or watching a good movie. You can stop in the middle and say - this story and these characters are awesome! OH NO ! !! I only have 50 pages left. Oh no I only have 30 minutes left and the experience is over. ENJOY THEM AND REMEMBER THERE’S MANY MORE PAGES TO YOUR LIFE WHERE YOU WILL TAKE ON OTHER GREAT STORIES AND ENJOY OTHER GREAT CHARACTERS. Don’t be tied to that past with no thought of a pleasant future. 7 - Feel through the Psalms. Find an emotional balance through thinking and praying through the Psalms in your Bible. From there you will feel and see someone sad, happy, hurt, betrayed, overjoyed, overwhelmed in worship… All these things. And you’ll be following in the Lord’s leadership there. I think it was Spurgeon who said - He’ll never go higher in emotion in his life than in David’s Psalms and he’ll never experience lows lower than David expresses in the Psalms. So stay pick up a Bible and read the Psalms as your feeling sad. They will guard your thoughts in that time. 6 - Check Your Gauges Stay Active, Get Rest, Get outside for a bit. If you can, find a hike or a walk. If you can, do it every day. And we could expand this one briefly 5 - Find Someone New It doesn’t matter if they reject you. That’s their problem. That may be online. That may be in a local craft or a local gathering - more about that in a moment. But say - over the next month I’m going to add a new name to my acquaintance list. 4 - Phone a Friend. Think through someone you enjoy being with and try to give them a call and ask them how they are doin g- and generally, truly be ready to ask them about themselves…. Which gets me to a the next lesson: 3 - Find a way to Help Someone Else When you find ways to busy yourself with others, you will benefit. Now, you may be burnt out by doing this already - be careful if that is the case. But try to have ways to help and serve others this week in a way that brings nothing back to you. God has designed us to enjoy the warmth of human love - that is the joy we get for doing for others… extending to others the gift of kindness. 2 – Experience the Joy of God’s Family Try to be a part of a local church. Churches are filled with flawed people. But they are people that God is building together. And Jesus taught that as you come to Him you find thousands of houses and lands and brothers and sisters. THIS IS THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD. Get into a Bible-driven, local church. Plug in there and get to know others. You will have no lack of ways to carry out all ten of these tips. That is very important. 1 - Remember you are never alone… You always have the three greatest Persons ever to exist and they have existed as one eternally. GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON and GOD THE SPIRIT love you and pray for you and know you. Spend extra time in prayer and praise. As you get your eyes on Jesus, your sadness will be less. As you cast your care on Jesus your anxiety will be less. And as you give your future to God’s good guiding hand you will have confidence about the pages yet to be written in your book. Those ten tips will help you monitor and walk through any sadness this season …. And any season. Merry Christmas friends!


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