Read your Bible (Reason #5) – God’s Word is the only wise foundation for life.
Try to picture Jesus teaching to an ever expanding group of people on a green hillside. The hillside slopes down gradually to what appears to be a large lake. He is rustling the feathers of the religious leaders sitting off to one side closer to the front. Perhaps another pocket of them stand further back to the left. But Jesus teaches very practical truths to the everyday person and they are scattered on the ground all around Him. Woodworkers, farmers, fathers and mothers are drinking in the word pictures Jesus uses – it is language they can understand. And so they listen in silence. Occasionally a bird’s call breaks the silence, or the shuffling of people trying to get in closer to hear even better. You can sense some tension in the air because Jesus is teaching differently than the religious establishment. By now it is probably evening – the sun is setting and hundreds have gathered around to hear the Rabbi. Now, l...