George Washington Married a Three-Headed Alien

A Theory

George Washington married a thee-headed alien. This is a theory gaining some credence in popular academic circles. It was not until much later in North American History that the idea of a Constitution and Declaration of Independence came into being - actually the view popularly held today originated in the late 18 hundreds in higher education. At this time in our nation's history our institutions of higher learning were few. A rewriting was extremely easy. And it was necessary in order to formulate a more workable/believable history. So the facts, sadly, have disappeared from our textbooks.

It is true, however, that there was a document signed of great significance in 1776. It was this marriage contract with an extra terrestrial being and a prominent British official - George Washington (Oh yeah, we rewrote that matter with concerning British involvement too). The marriage only lasted 13 years due to incompatibility. Though the earliest records do not give this view, I'm under the impression that it was Washington's and not the alien's fault. As this was a temporary alliance only, it's effects were short lived. But it is just the beginning. A compatible couple will be found in the near future. This was the grand experiment. In the centuries to come the signing of this marriage contract between worlds beyond and earth will have greater weight in intergalactic history. Because this was the first.

A Possible Future Problem

If I were to print the previous paragraph as fact, it may gain some credence 15 hundred years from now. "No way!" you say? Well, I'd like to think that is true. But we have a group of people in "popular academic"[1] circles who purport similar things as fact. We are not yet 300 years away from George Washington right? So you would think that a thousand years from now people will more readily accept the records of historians and eye witness accounts derived from those living with and around George Washington. Why would someone accept the views written on a blog 236 years later? I really have no answer for that.

A Current Problem

Yet, this is exactly what media outlets are suggesting we do in response to "popular academic" circles who tell us of a Coptic document from the fourth century that quotes Jesus as saying "my wife." I heard this on Dateline a couple nights ago (click here for the NY Times article). Things like this creep up once a month or two - usually during Christmas or Easter time. I have begun to laugh now. I probably shouldn't because there are others who listen to these reports less critically. Even others are searching for something to disprove the early accounts of the eyewitnesses (written in the first century). For them, this is convenient. misinformation.

Please take a moment to think about this critically. To accept a Coptic scrap document instead of the early eye-witness documents of those who knew and walked with Jesus is like taking my blog's account of George Washington over the documents written in the 17 hundreds. Why is this not obvious to more people?

A Possible Human Explanation[2]

I wonder why we, as a culture, like to listen to things like this? Why does this insanity sell? Well, one reason is that it is different and scandalous (see below). I've never seen an article in the tabloids at a grocery store checkout that says - "Bob and Sally from This or That Silly Movie, married 35 years!" Why? Well, I guess it may not happen much. But it also does not sell. We put what sells on the cover of those magazines.

That thought aside I'd like to purport another reason. Conspiracy theorists. These folks are amazing! You can't endure any national tragedy or enjoy an national victory without some group saying that it did not happen this or that way (you know the ones I'm referring to). "I have the real scoop; I have the real knowledge." I guess a secret truth hidden from others over centuries is much more believable than what everyone else believes. We are proud like that. We want to know something that everyone else does not know.  

So, if Jesus' closest associates all said that He died on a Roman cross and rose again the third day complete with hundreds of eye-witnesses (many of these recorded and verified by secular History). And if we find no other early witness giving accounts opposing these views. Then why would we give any credence to a view written countries away centuries away? I have no idea. Except that it is a scoop that tickles our ears. But if you are reading this and wondering, please stop wondering believe the Truth revealed in God's Word.

For my own benefit I may start a new George Washington blog - this is the inside scoop! He actually married a three headed alien. And if I get a book deal, perhaps I'll be able to fund my kiddo's education.

[1] By "popular academic" circles I am trying to set forward a possible motive here for people other than a lack of academic ability.  I don't think that there is a lack of mental clarity or ability with these folks that continue to put out such views.  However, these conclusions are so silly that I have to come up with some motive. (Click here for an example of such a book selling "popular academic"). Another motive would be that of bitterness and malice.  That is possible.  Perhaps someone had Christians treat them like dirt in one way or another (sad to say, it happens too often) so they want to do as much as possible to "disprove" their beliefs.  I'm trying to keep this motive under lock and key because love things the best.  So, I come to a normal capitalist suggestion.  Scandal sells.  Try to sell a book saying that Jesus lived a perfect life, died for our sins and rose again the third day.  Well, that book has already become the best seller of all time.  But, if you come out with a scandalous option to this and put your name behind that hypothesis you have a great sell.  And, to be honest for some it has made a quite lucrative career. I'm saying then that they use their academic letters and ability to be popular.  They appeal to the populous.(After all ,it's sad, but our culture prefers cartoons to documentaries.) I may be wrong.  But that is what I mean by "popular academic" circles. For a summary book that helps deal with these outlandish claims of popular academics see Wallace (click here).


[2] Of course spiritual explanations are replete in Scripture. I'll quote one: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen" (Romans 1:20-25).


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