Christmas Devotional: A Host of Christmas Characters: 12 Days Out--Zacharias “A Surprising Silence”

We’ll look at 12 characters of Christmas for the 12 days leading up to the day we set aside to commemorate Jesus' birth. Today, 12 days before, we learn about Zacharias and how God is at work in the silence. 


Zacharias was elderly. He served the Lord as a priest and honored the Lord with his wife living a godly testimony. But he and Elizabeth were barren and yet desperately desired a child. But God’s purposes were even greater. That is always the case. His ways are higher than our ways and He is often working in the silence, in the times of waiting, in our periods of wondering what God is doing behind the scenes—these are still times when He is working. We must trust His will and His perfect way in the silence.


Zacharias and Elizabeth did just that. As Luke tells us, Zacharias is chosen by lot out of about 18,000 priests to minister one day in the Temple. Twice a day a priest went in to keep the incense burning before the Lord and so Zacharias is chosen to enter the Holy Place alone while others outside prayed for him. He is delayed as He served because while he serves, an angel appears to him and shares that his son would be the forerunner of Messiah. Zacharias was fearful and asked for a sign because he was so old. How can this be!? Perhaps he should not have done that. For the sign he was granted was that he would not speak until after the child was born.

And so began the most peaceful days in Elizabeth’s marriage. Well, maybe not. Her husband could not speak until the child was born. And they named him John (who we will know as John the Baptist). What a fascinating sign! Yes, God does work in the silence. As you may know, after the 9 months, God opened Zacharias’ tongue allowing him to speak after John was born and 8 days old when he was presented in the Temple. And speak he did!—prophesying not only John’s ministry as pre-runner to Messiah, but Jesus’ ministry to save us all! Here’s a snippet:


“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways; To give to His people the knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their sins, Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us, To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:76-79).


And so God remembered Zacharias as Zacharias knew God’s salvation. And proclaimed that his son, John, will be a sign that God had once again taken thought of His people for salvation–not just salvation from Rome but salvation from their sins. This grants us peace with God through Jesus Christ! The name Zacharias means “Yahweh has remembered again.” Remember today that God is at work even in our silences.


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