⛪️MOTHER #MARY’S FINAL WORDS ⬆️2️⃣✝️ #Devotional #Christian #shorts #Religion #JESUS #Gospel

Mary’s Last Words recorded in the Bible are so important.

What did she say?

Everything that Jesus says to you, Do.

Mary is not a co-redeemer or someone to be worshiped.

She knew her place in pointing to Jesus.
That is the same ministry you and I have:

Whatever Jesus says to you… Do!

Bible Reading Schedule

  • Friday, May 3rd - Judges 17:1-18:31; John 3:1-21; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 14:20-21
  • Saturday, May 4th - Judges 19:1-20:48; John 3:22-4:3; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 14:22-24
  • Sunday, May 5th - Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22; John 4:4-42; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 14:25
  • Monday, May 6th - Ruth 2:1-4:22; John 4:43-54; Psalm 105:16-36; Proverbs 14:26-27
  • Tuesday, May 7th - 1 Samuel 1:1-2:21; John 5:1-23; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 14:28-29
  • Wednesday, May 8th - 1 Samuel 2:22-4:22; John 5:24-47; Psalm 106:1-12; Proverbs 14:30-31
  • Thursday, May 9th - 1 Samuel 5:1-7:17; John 6:1-21; Psalm 106:13-31; Proverbs 14:32-33


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