The Patience of the Waterfall
Difficult tasks are easy, one drop at a time. I don’t know if you have tried to build a waterfall. I have, and drilling through rock takes good tools, strength and a lot of time. Drilling through stone is so difficult!
But then I look at the Great Falls of Patterson, NJ, just a 45 minute drive from NYC. Water has gently, patiently carved out a beautiful scene drop by drop falling patiently on granite—hard stone after hard stone. And voilà, a masterpiece!
When you look at your life’s mound of difficult tasks today, don’t shrink back at the difficulty or strenuous effort needed to complete all of them. Just take the next step, always looking unto Jesus the of the Author and Finisher of your faith. He will give you the strength, one step at a time, one drop at a time to finish the race.
Keep plugging friends!
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