2022 Bible Reading Plan

Thanks, Sarah Winstead for this Pic from Pexels
One of the most important aspects to your Christian walk is having a Bible reading program that you stick to faithfully. It is more important to your spiritual health than diet and exercise are to your physical health. So, let me prescribe something for you in 2022. More Bible and prayer! 

Here is our church Bible reading program for 2022 (Link here to pdf). A few highlights about this plan:

1. It is chronological. 

I like a little change each year, so this one hits your Bible reading in a year in the sequence of the historical timeline. A nice way to change up the order, that provides additional instruction, but still allows you to make it through in a year... which is important - see number 2.

2. It covers the whole Bible. 

Our Christian culture needs to be reading through the entire Bible regularly. There are ideas that grow because someone reads only a handful of heart-warming verses without understanding the whole Scriptural context of God's revelation to us. You need to look at heart-warming verses... memorize them! But hold these jewels closely within the whole tapestry of God's revelation. We will find that the whole tapestry is itself a diamond. For all Scripture is profitable for your growth in Christlikeness.

3. It takes a day off each week.

This is not necessarily the Sabbath principle, but it does leave each Sunday open to meditate on the Scripture that you will consider in corporate worship with your church family. I would encourage you to take this day to work on Scripture memory. 

4. It highlights a plan for reading.

On the handout you will find a brief overview of what you take with you as a plan for your Bible reading time. I appreciate one of the men in our church who mentioned he put this simple outline into practice a few years ago and he now has over 200 pages filled with notes asking these simple questions as he reads God's words each day. I have found the best plans for Bible reading should be simple.

5. And yet, it is not enough.

Remember that your life with God is special. Don't leave this to an academic exercise that you can do without your heart engaged. You approach this book as a living book to meet with the living God. Don't stop with reading. Meditate on the Scriptures, pray the Scriptures, and above all, love God through obeying the Scriptures. And may 2022 be a great year of growth in the Lord!


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