Christmas Poem

God is with us;

this is Christmas.

Name Him Jesus;

Yahweh saves us!

Sunrise above

overflowing love

down to earth

in Christ’s birth.

Look from care

to see God there.

His love for you

Has brought him near

The flesh He wove 

In Mary’s womb

was made for holes 

by nails by wolves.

May all earth's pain

from curse be slain,

the Law bowed down

by Jesus Crown

of perfect life.

And all the strife

From God to man

is taken when

His life is spent

by cross in skin

to take our sin. 

Skin, flesh and blood

the Son of God

is Son of Man,

the Great I Am.

This is the gift

Of Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

#Christmas #ChristmasPoem





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