Trusting God's Purposes
Do you find yourself wondering where your path is headed in life? Certainly you have wondered where the path of the country and even the path of the world is headed. Perhaps you also wonder if God’s ultimate purpose is still in place. Paul wrestled with that when considering some events of his own time. He gives some “worshipful advice” to these thoughts (text below). I’ve been meditating through that advice this week as I continue to work through the book of Romans. The final verses of chapter 11 are precious. Paul has been wrestling with the plans of God as a Jewish man in a church body that had become primarily Gentile. His burden was to see more Jewish people believe in Jesus as Messiah. And so he had to leave all these things in God’s mysterious hand. God encourages us to do the same when we don’t know exactly why what is happening happens to be happening. Even when we don't understand the ways of God, His purposes are still certain. ...