Serving with Sticks and Ships

I love looking deep into the accounts of the Apostle Paul's life. Toward the end of the book of Acts, we find him gathering firewood on a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Insignificant scene at first. But he had just barely survived a shipwreck with over 200 other sailors, prisoners (oh yea, he is a prisoner for the Gospel at this point) and soldiers. 

Respect through Shipwreck

They all look at Paul with respect after the events of the previous three weeks. The remember that he advised them not to sail, and yet they did. Not heeding his advice led them to two over two weeks of fighting a horrendous storm which left them with no hope of survival. 

But in the darkest hour, Paul stood up among them and said, "Men, we're going to be fine! Get something to eat." He then broke bread from the few provisions they had left, ate, and encouraged others to do the same. They did and were refreshed. He also said "God told me that we're all going to be ok." None of the others soldiers would have believed that statement, except that perhaps this guy does know God. They were in constant fear of death. But Paul was right. Each life was spared through God's gracious hand. The soldiers, sailors, and all prisoners escaped safely from the ship's wreckage off the shores of Malta. The event reads like an adventure novel.

Serving through the Simple Things

The shipwreck would have been a time of great distress, danger, and trauma to the depth of the psyche of those men. They were cold. They were scared. They needed help. And they found aid through the local residents who treated them kindly, starting a huge fire. 

I can see them all huddled around the fire sticking together as closely as possible. Some perhaps more fearful than others. They look around and take count; everyone is there. And it seems that everyone came through uninjured as well. What Paul said came true. He must know God. There is something special about him. So, all eyes are on this simple, Jewish, older individual who has so much spunk. What is he going to do next?

They look for him. Where is he? There he is . . . gathering more firewood. 

I love that! There are a great number of locals. There are strong soldiers and other prisoners who could do the work. But Paul is gathering firewood. Perhaps it is because he is a prisoner. But I don't think so. They were all unleashed from their chains, and he is the man of the hour at this point. But Paul uses his present freedom and newfound respect and high rank to serve... to gather sticks for the fire.

He is doing the next necessary thing to help the group. We need firewood, so let's gather some sticks for the fire. That is leadership, serving faithfully in the next area needed.

The Snake and the Servant

Of course more drama ensues. Dr. Luke needs some tums tonight. His good friend and traveling companion is in life threatening danger again! This time through a snake in the wood at the fire. All eyes see the serpent bite Paul, "fastening to his hand." I see it hanging there. All eyes are not just on Paul now, they are eyes that are wide open. Paul simply shakes the snake back into the fire and goes on his way.

When nothing deadly ensues, the local residents join the others in seeing this man is special, or something about him is special. Yes, they are right. Paul serves. But more deeply, Paul serves God. And whether he is gathering sticks for the group or founding a church on Malta, he is serving God. And that is the type of leadership that God will use. 

As Paul serves in the gathering of sticks, God gives Him a platform for the Gospel that eventually reaches the attention of the whole island.

Our Stick Gathering

What menial task has God given you today? It may not be seen by many, but if we are doing the next needed task as unto God, it becomes special. And that special task, done right often becomes a platform for glory. Glory to God Whom we serve.

So, find that next task today and do it with all your might!

"When they had been brought safely through, then we found out that the island was called Malta. The natives showed us extraordinary kindness; for because of the rain that had set in and because of the cold, they kindled a fire and received us all. But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand. When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they began saying to one another, 'Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, and though he has been saved from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.' However he shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm. But they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god."

-Acts 28:1-6 (NASB)


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