Sign of the End Time

The West has really pushed a hero culture, right?
I’m amazed at how many different little heroes there are. Ants fleas, spiders… and they all become from the smallest to the most helpful in fighting evil.
And you can see a sense of a desire to crown individuals with more authority or prominence than they deserve.
Sports figures are paid so many millions. And they throw a ball in a hoop or try to tackle someone else with a ball. And kids and grown men know everything about their ball throwing or ball blocking or ball beating with a stick. This is fascinating.
Singers rhyme or don’t’ rhyme and they sing high and low and it sounds nice and people idolize them… literally. We literally have a show called American Idol.
You could call it a Messiah mentality
This is one of the signs of the end times.
Welcome to our end times playlist. Our society does seem a little obsessed with the end of the world and what will cause it and when it will happen. I’m amazed at how many different movies focus on this theme. And so we are going to examine what the Bible says about the end times in a playlist that handles many different Scriptures.
In Jesus’ final instruction to the disciples, He talked about when he would come. .. specifically when he would be coming and when we would experience the end of the age.
"Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
4 And Jesus answered and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you.
5 "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many. (Matt. 24:3-5 NAU)i
He also encourages us that no one knows the exact time. But He also says to watch and be ready. So these videos should help us watch.
One of the interesting signs that Jesus gives that would precede his coming is that there will be many false Messiahs. Many that say they are the Christ… and that these false Christ’s would deceive many.
I guess we have always had this. But the appearance of those who would not just claim to be an important leader but there are others now who are claiming to be second coming of Jesus.
There is a false teaching that is gaining popularity especially among Chinese Americans about the Messiah. And it is not that this person is a precursor to Jesus. It is that they are the second coming of Jesus… just not named Jesus.
Be ready by being busy for Him.
That I a little different spin on the normal false cult.
So, when we see these signs come even more. What do we do?
Do we sell everything and go to the mountains and look up?
Jesus end the instruction with an appeal to watch and wait.
Watch, wait and work.
Watch the signs.
Walk circumspectly.
Work more faithfully.
But, don’t be surprised when thee things come up.
Be ready.


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