Finding Faith

Do you find it hard to trust? Perhaps you don't give yourself enough credit. We exercise unbelievable amounts of faith every day. Let me encourage you to consider how much you trust others to do what they say they will do, and in turn, trust God to do for you what He has promised to do.

In this video, I’m flying over NYC. I love this city! It is packed with beautiful people from all over the world and it’s a passion of my life to bring as many of these folks to become followers of Jesus. That they too might find the joy of worshiping the Lord that life satisfying relationship with our Creator!

Starting that relationship is conditioned on one factor. How can I come to God and develop a relationship? As we are seeing in our current sermon series at Grace; it is faith.

And I’m sharing this with this view because faith is well illustrated by a plane.

I don’t know who the pilot is. I guess I know what there name is now. I know that LaGuardia is going through a crazy construction project. . . so why should I trust someone to fly me through the skies - through the clouds - so far from everything! If that pilot does not come through; I’m so far up here, there’s no way I’ll live! I’m completely trusting a person I don’t know and so is everyone else on this plane. How can I trust someone I haven’t seen?

How can you trust God?

I do trust a pilot. I trust that the pilot, whomever he or she is, has done what they have promised, that United Airlines will do what they have promised, and that the FAA will do as they have promised to keep flights like this safe. And I trust all of them with my life even though I have not met any of them in person. I believe that what they have said they would, do, they will do.

You have never seen God, but He has promised some things. You have never seen His Son Jesus, or His Holy Spirit. But you have read His promises. And these are glorious promises. The Word of God, the Bible, promises things that we can trust. They are reliable. They have been tested.

So, just like I trust this crew, United Airlines, and the FAA to get me safely from Chicago to NYC, I trust God through Jesus, to fulfill His promise, to fly me safely through this life to where I will truly live to the fullest, in heaven. We are on a journey here. Jesus has paid for our safe passage through His death, burial and resurrection. And He has promised to take me there - as long as I trust Him to be true to His Word and take me to glory.

Would you trust Him today? And then continue to trust Him. Trust Him during the times of great turbulence… Trust Him in smooth sailing. Trust Him when you have third-world problems, and when you have first-world problems. Trust Him through the whole flight. And then live like you trust in your pilot to safely carry you through.

Faith - you exercise it every day. I’m just encouraging you to trust in your Creator God Who has revealed His glorious promises to you in the Bible. Words of Grace this week come from John 20:29 -

“Jesus said to him, ‘Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed’” (Jn. 20:29 NASB).


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