Hello Spring!

Well, it appears that spring is just around the corner. The ten day forecast is calling for nine of the next ten days above 40 degrees. That is a nice thought = )

Although I’m happy to see the snow go for a few months, I found myself enjoying even this last snowfall. What a quiet blanket snow is! It keeps people indoors. Traffic stops (almost). Quiet comes.  Almost a peaceful quiet.  A good snow fall blankets the whole community in a beautiful sugar colored clean. Its blanket makes even NYC’s dirtiest streets appear clean... for a bit. “But the mud returns, nastier than ever!” Yes I realize that. But for several moments after and during a good snow fall, everything appears clean.

I’m so thankful that the Lord’s cleansing is deeper than that. Jesus’ blood does not just cover our sin it cleanses. The penalty for our sin that deserved God’s wrath is paid for by Jesus on the cross. He takes the wrath. Jesus paid the ultimate price. Not one ounce of guilt can stain the snow of God’s forgiveness. No wrath. No condemnation. No slushy, muddy remnants of what’s underneath. In Christ we are eternally pure in God’s eyes. What a consolation. What a joy.

Let us live motivated by such forgiveness to be presently what we are eternally; to be in reality what we are positionally. Let’s encourage one another to look more and more like Christ.

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:1).


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