Content of Faith - From the booklet - "How can I know that I have eternal life?"
The following quote is from the third booklet in the LIFE Groups "Growing" series. In this booklet, we survey 1 John and the doctrine of a believer's Assurance of Salvation.
Purchase the entire booklet for your own or for small group Bible Study $4 each plus $2 shipping:
In the segment below I'm teaching the difference between the object of faith and the content of faith. Simply stating, "I believe in Jesus" is not enough (object of faith). Most important is the question, "What do you believe about Jesus (content of faith)?"
I'm teaching through this booklet on Tuesday nights. Lessons 1-3 are on our YouTube channel now, and we will be going through lesson four this Tuesday night (Tuesday, September 2nd). See below for lesson 3. Also, the full booklet is included via pdf below.
presents specific truths about Jesus that we must believe. This demonstrates a very important
truth. When it comes to assurance of
salvation, faith is not the only factor we must examine. We must also consider the object and the
content of someone’s faith. What you
believe about something will determine whether or not your faith is
misplaced. The object of your faith is
what you are trusting in. 'Having faith'
is not enough. You must have faith in
Jesus. Additionally, it is just as
important what you believe about Jesus. We could refer to the 'what' of your
faith as the content of your faith.
How can I know that I have eternal life? Assurance of Salvation
I'm teaching through this booklet on Tuesday nights. Lessons 1-3 are on our YouTube channel now, and we will be going through lesson four this Tuesday night (Tuesday, September 2nd). See below for lesson 3. Also, the full booklet is included via pdf below.

the example of a chair. I can have faith
in a chair. And that may be a good
thing. However, it may not be a good
thing depending on the content of my faith.
What do I believe about that chair?
Let’s choose the recliner in my living room. If I trust this chair to hold my weight so I
can sit down and rest, I have not misplaced my faith. However, if I trust in the same chair to fly
me to Florida, then I have definitely misplaced my faith. In the same way, what you believe about
Jesus is essential. 'I believe in
Jesus.' Is a common statement. But we
must ask someone what do you believe about Jesus?"
How can I know that I have eternal life? Assurance of Salvation
Purchase the entire booklet for your own or for small group Bible Study $4 each plus $2 shipping:
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