Ask Your Heavenly Father

I learn so much from my children; patience, endurance, self-control, cartoons, science facts, the list could go on and on.  But there is another stream of lessons that I enjoy even more.  These lessons spring from the mirror of correspondence between my relationship with my children and my relationship with my heavenly Father.  These lessons humble me almost daily.

Let me share one simple lesson with you.  Asher is three and everything is a race to him.  “Race you to the door.  Race you to the car.  Race you to the table, ha-ha, I win!”  Asher is teaching both me and our neighbors in our apartment building patience by his love of racing.  You see, he is not yet a good loser or a good winner.  So even if it is a small race, there may be a noisy melt-down if he loses to me or to one of his sisters.  Our sixth floor hallway is often echoing with the screams of a losing racer because he is emotionally involved in every race as if it were his last.  And yet his three year old legs are just not yet developed enough to beat anyone in our family.  He keeps racing and unless we let him win, he keeps losing.

The other day Asher challenged me in a race to put on our shoes.  We have done this before.  I confess that I like races like this.  Any race to get dressed and get out the door on time is my kind of race.  Two days in a row as Asher competed in this different type of foot race, and saw he was losing, he asked me to help him.  That struck a chord deep in me about appealing to my heavenly Father.  There on the floor is a little three year old boy trying his best to put on his red and white Velcro shoes.  He is struggling with all his might to get his heel in the back but frustrated because it didn’t seem to work.  “Daddy, can you help me?”  His voice changed from racing-Asher to needy-Asher.  It was my delight to help Asher beat me putting on my shoes.  “Ha ha, I win!”  He gloated as he ran to the front door.  Racing-Asher’s voice is back, and in his mind he won.

No doubt our heavenly Father looks down as we struggle in life in the same way I looked at Asher.  Perhaps we are struggling with a temptation, or perhaps we are struggling with some task He has asked us to do.  Perhaps we are struggling with a large, life change or fear of an upcoming conflict.  These are our white and red Velcro shoes.  Don’t keep it to yourself.  Like a three year old boy, ask your heavenly Father for help.  He delights in answering your prayers.  It is His joy to kneel down and do the actual work.  But remember one thing.  When He has placed those little shoes on you, and you are through with the conflict, don’t run off like you did it yourself.  Acknowledge that He is the strong One Who is working all things after His good pleasure.

"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father Who is in heaven…’” (Matthew 6:9).


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