A Summary of the Bible Message

The Next LIFE Groups Booklet is online and available for order.

This booklet is a is a six lesson survey of the content and message of the Bible. It is a good refresher for all Christians. It would also be a great introduction to Christianity to new believers, or to those who are just beginning to explore the Christian faith. Although it is designed for a small group format, it can be used effectively in one on one or individual studies.

I think the study is a balanced approach (between covenant/dispensational frameworks)  which sticks to biblical theology rather than over-systematizing the message and content of Scripture.

Below is the concluding summary of the booklet.  Please e-mail me with questions/comments.  If you would like to order a copy of the booklet for use in your church, Bible study group or private study, use paypal below.  They are $4 plus shipping and handling.

Summary in a Sentence

As we conclude our study of the Bible, it is helpful to try to combine all we have learned so far in a few short statements.  The Bible is God’s message to us.  The major characters are humanity and God.  Humanity was made to enjoy perfect communion with Him.  We work best that way.  But we broke that perfect relationship and chose a selfish existence instead.  God did not leave us in this state.  No sooner had we walked away from Him but He was already promising a rescue plan. We could actually summarize the Bible in this short phrase:  “The Bible is God's promise to restore eternal communion with all who will believe.”

But what if we wanted to incorporate the rest of the content we’ve discovered? We would need to explain how God's rescue plan fulfills God’s promises.  This sentence gets close:

The Bible is

a message from God proving His greatness by making good on His promise to bring humanity back to eternal communion with Him...
      through His rescue plan:
            choosing a man,
            promising a family,
            making a nation,
            instilling a world ruler,
            and providing a world Savior, 
                        Jesus His Son, the perfect Sacrifice  
                                    for all those who trust in His                                         
                                    promise and respond to His                  
                                    message in faith and obedience.


Summary of Series in a Sermon:

To listen to a summary sermon of the 6 lessons click here.
Here is a Prezi presentation of the summary sermon:


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