How I Know God Answers Prayer (Goforth)

How I Know God Answers Prayers (The previous link is to the free Kindle book edition.)

Spiritual challenge 10
Doctrinal Agree-ability 8

This is a wonderful little book of testimonies of answered prayers.  It is especially neat to get an eye into a woman's perspective of serving the Lord on a hard missionary field, struggling with the needs of her children and yet wanting to spend and be spent for God.  The answers to prayers include everything from healing from the doors of death at the hands of an angry mob (Boxer Rebellion) to provision of clothes for her one year old.

Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth were pioneer missionaries in China - during some rough stretches of time and during some seasons of great harvest. This book is Rosalind's attempt to remember and record answers to prayer from different fazes of their life and ministry.  They are encouraging, faith building and easy to read.

In the last chapter she describes a Keswick-like experience breaking into a higher plane of near sinlessness, that took away from the rest of the book.  The first nine chapters clearly detail deep and abiding fellowship with Christ on an intimate level but the last chapter surprises us with a "higher plane" experience later in life after spending years on the mission field for a while, and then an even higher than higher plane after most of her missionary life (at a Niagara Conference in 1916)... which brings her to victory.  In good Keswick fasion the final sentence of the chapter/book is "The slogan of this glorious life in Christ is just, 'Let go and let God.'"

That being said, most of the book is a sweet recounting of a glorious servant of God who gave her life abundantly for her family and the cause of Christ.  I recorded and stored away several treasures for the future.

"It is true that there is nothing too great for God's power; and it is just as true that there is nothing too small for His love." 


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