The Pauper in the Prince in the Palace

“The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ , will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” [1] What special words! Eternal glory is like a spiritual palace. The Palace of the never-ending dominion of the King of Kings. This Palace is located in a land called Glory to which all villagers dream to enter. All villagers are peasants, paupers who long to be found living in the Palace of glory. To live in the Palace with the King and eat of His delicacies day and night for all eternity fills their inner soul to the top with satisfaction. Entering the Palace Many peasants try to break through the Palace walls by force (or sneakery). They may have no ill will against the Prince (through Whom we enter), but they think too highly of their efforts. These peasants are greatly deceived. No, the palace walls cannot be scaled nor broken through; they are eternally too high to scal...