Quick Storm Update

We thank the Lord for keeping us safe through the past week of crazy weather.  We are still enjoying full electricity, heat and water (though feeling a tinge of guilt listening to my buddy John B.).  Last night's snowfall was the icing on our storm cake:

We were able to enjoy one day in the city with the kiddos between the two storms...  Get 'em out of the apartment for a bit!
Providing Relief:
If you would like to help with relief efforts, please consider helping our mother church out financially (Bethel Baptist Fellowship).  Their building was severely damaged by flooding. They are currently ripping up/replacing the floors and the bottom section of all the walls.  They also lost a church van and several of the families suffered great loss.
Pastor Bickel is praising the Lord because of the opportunity to share the Gospel in the midst of suffering.  I really appreciate his humble and heartfelt Gospel ministry to his community through the storm.  They have had several wonderful opportunities which they would never have had without this opportunity.  They are literally rejoicing in suffering.
Let me know if you want to help them directly.  I can give you their mailing address.  Or you can donate electronically through our mission board and we will direct the funds to them (I can give you direction on how to do that).  It seems that at this point, the best way to provide relief to them is praying and giving financially.

Here are a few storm pics:



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