All Things Are Your Servants

This verse (Psalm 119:91) is so encouraging to me. Here are two thoughts of application. First, all that comes my way is a servant in the hand of God, and I need not fear His servants (to complete the deduction... therefore I need not fear anything that comes my way). Second, I am privileged as well, to be one of His servants. So I want to be as faithful and trustworthy as possible. All things are His Servant All that comes my way is His servant. Criticism is His servant. Loosing my keys, a splitting headache, and a whole in my favorite shirt are all His servants. They are sent with His permission to build me in grace and glorify His name. The loss of a child, terminal cancer, loosing a job or career, and being side-swiped by a drunk driver are His servants as well. These too are sent with His permission. These too work His work of grace in my life. If you believe this verse then you can smile at life's storms. They are still rough waves to row through. You still g...