A Funeral and A Blessing

I had the honor of presiding/preaching the Gospel at Etta Brown's Home Going service last week. She was such an encouragement in her faithfulness. "Pastor Tim, if I'm not at church I'm in the hospital." What a great example she is compared with those who miss because their child's friend has a birthday party... "So we'll just have to miss this week." She shared a sweet testimony in fighting dialysis, Parkinson's, and still attended faithfully.

Etta was baptized at Bethany Baptist church in 1937! Her sister is still a pillar of that church and I enjoyed getting to know her as well as others in the assembly. According to this sister, it was "the first black church to move uptown." It's growth and stability is due to the Lord's using the efforts of a Dr. William A. Jones for 43 years. He was a Pastor that wanted to be sure to teach the Word academically. There were reflections to his desire to teach his people the word throughout the building in images, carvings, and woodwork that taught Scripture scenes and illusions. All the interior/fixtures were imported from either Jerusalem or Africa. Bethany is also where Al Sharpton was baptized, Jeremiah Wright, and just about every influential African American Pastor has spoken.

As an aside - I really enjoyed the opportunity to preach the Gospel in a church in the heart of Bedford-Stuyvesant where I was the only white person in attendance. Belting out a solo in my heartfelt worship was weak, preaching the Gospel carefully was appreciated. One pastor stated, "You are smooth - you remind me of Joel Osteen." I think he meant that as a compliment.
Following the service I enjoyed a tour from the assistant pastor at Bethany. It was great to learn more about the African American Baptist heritage in Brooklyn. I also learned more about African American history . . . I need much improvement in this department! The funeral was in a chapel around the corner, not in Bethany
Baptist Church building. That is what I toured. It is a beautiful building made to remind people of Scripture throughout. And to teach about African American History as well.

I'm thankful to minister in such a rich city. I only pray that for grace to continue to reach out to people groups graciously and reach people with the untainted Gospel to where there is no longer black churches, white churches, Asian churches, but Bible driven churches - that is what heaven will be.

 "And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth (Rev 5:9-10)."


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