A Severed Neck

Danny Anderson was feeding his horses with his son in Prosser, Washington when he spied a rattle snake too close for comfort. They pinned the snake to the grounds with an irrigation pipe and cut its head off with a shovel. Dead.

As Danny reached down to throw the snake’s head aside the fangs bit in to his hand with enough force to latch tight. Danny shook the snake from his hand but the venom was already seeping into his bloodstream. By the time he reached the emergency room his tongue was swollen and the poison had begun to spread through the rest of his body (MSNBC AP Article).

A dead snake can do much harm. In the same way Satan’s head is severed – he has been dealt the death blow at the cross. Although the Son’s heel was bruised at the cross, the serpent’s head was crushed. Dead. The last two thousand years are the last ditch efforts of Satan; he's spewing his poison into the world. His fangs are still latching on wherever possible and he longs to infect you.

He is like the ‘bad guy’ in the old western that is shot but takes thirty seconds to go to the ground as he unloads his six shooter through the saloon windows . . . and any other window in town. You and I need not fear the venom or the bullets of this mixed metaphor. We have the shield of faith will vanquish this dead victim’s arrows. We know he has no power and all that he has is given to him from our Creator.

Our place is in the middle of the street raising the shield of faith and defusing his last ditch efforts to wound, maim, and destroy. He seems to be bolder, more brazenly sinister in his tactics as his time runs out . . . he staggers to fall backward never to rise again. His head though severed will soon stop flinching – and once and for all he will be cast in the lake of fire.

Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

Revelation 20:10 "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."


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