An Urgent Appeal to Trust Christ

You are hanging outside the window of the sixth floor of a burning building. The rusty shutter you are clinging to is slowly swinging in the breeze and your hands are burning with the intense heat of the wall and the flames leaping out of the gaping window.

The NY Times archives recounts a three alarm fire in a six story livery and boarding stables at Madison and E 66th street in the early 1900’s. The firefighters had secured the safety of hundreds of horses from the buildings when the fire chief looked up and saw a man in the sixth floor window. They beckoned the man out of the window and pleaded with him not to jump so they could do their best to reach him.

As Tony Shultz waited for rescue he had to climb out the window and hold on to the shutter. The witnesses said that the shutter swayed in the breeze as Tony’s life hung in the balance between being burnt by the flames or succumbing to the six story drop. Fire Lieutenant Jacob Levy and Fireman Frank Winterick charged up the tallest extension ladder they had which only reached to the fourth floor. With two additional scaling ladders they were able to reach Tony and slowly bring him down to safety.

I wish you would think of yourself as holding on to that shutter suspended in mid air. You hear the roaring fire inside and feel the intense heat emanating from the bricks. The firemen have finally reached you but you must reach out and grab the escape provided for you. You have to transfer your trust from the building to the ladder.

Your life is a burning building – you cannot hang on to the self destruction. The ladder of the Gospel has been placed at the window of your heart. Your life is burning up. You cannot trust in the burning building one moment more or you will be swallowed up in eternal wrath. You have listened to the Gospel. Jesus died to pay for your sin – for your sin. Do you believe Him? Do you trust Him?

If you are still trusting in the crumbling building of your own self righteousness you are not trusting in Jesus. Man-made religion, good works, they are all your own way. They are a burning building. If you are trusting in them and Jesus then you are expended in the air from the sixth floor hanging with one hand on the escape provided and one hand on your own way – you will fall to your destruction! You must turn your life completely entirely up to Him. You have got to do it.

I beg you as a family member would who is watching you suspended in mid air with one hand grasping the burning building and the other hand grasping the fireman’s ladder – let go of your own way. Trust only Jesus and Him alone today. And He will rescue you! Would you call on Him now?

“Lord I am no longer going to trust in the way I had devised” – whether that be the way of personal goodness through manmade religion or that you consider yourself a good person – they are the same burning building . . . say in your heart that you know only Jesus was the perfect Obeyer and only His sacrifice is enough.

He will rescue you.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name”

If you would like to hear more about the Gospel click here.


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