Psalm 119 gives great motivation to follow and please God's through obeying His Word. One of these truths is that He sees all we do. For this reason, we want to follow in HIs pathway.
Stuff calls out to us for satisfaction. But buying, receiving or gaining more stuff never satisfies our soul. The Bible states the heart of man is never content. That’s part of our broken nature. The iPhone 85 will not make us as happy as the iPhone 16. So, we need to rise above that and find our contentment in the eternal God! Stuff will not satisfy the soul of man. Proverbs 27:20 (NASB95) 20 Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, Nor are the eyes of man ever satisfied.
Thanksgiving is about... giving. Go beyond just a state of mind or a day for thanks. Thanks giving must be to a Person... to God. If we are not expressing our giving to God, then we are not truly celebrating thanksgiving.
I love this verse. It so encourages us to pray with such a comforting reason. Why cast your care in prayer? Because God cares. Thank you Lord for being a God who cares! Meditate on 1 Peter 5:7.
Jesus appears all throughout the Bible... especially the Old Testament. In Daniel 3:25 , He walks with the three Hebrew children through the valley of death of the furnace flames. And as He walks with them, Nebuchadnezzar cries out - this is One like the Son of God. Yes, He is the Son of God - King of the fire. What is fascinating about that appearance of Christ is that the previous chapter Jesus' eternal rule that would run over all kingdoms is prophesied. Yes, Jesus is the stone cut without hands Whose rule will envelop all the earth.
How can you win the battle for your soul? Well one step is to abstain from desires that draw us away from God - Peter compels us: Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul (1 Peter 2:11 ).
Today we start one of a million long short series?! Well, we may not make it through all of them, but let's consider a million reasons to read your Bible. Reason 1 - Meet your Maker?!
There are few passages in the Old Testament that more clearly portray Christ than Psalm 118. It is amazing! It portrays His rejection, death, resurrection and triumphal entry.
We must believe in Jesus. Without faith it is impossible to please God. We are justified by faith. But this faith is not just the statement of the facts of the historical Jesus. This faith is a trust in Who He is as Savior and Lord so that we follow Him. The demons believe and tremble. The disciples believe and follow.
God shares with Israel His solution to their lack of obedience... It is the grace to obey through His Spirit's enabling help. This is prophesied 500 years before Pentecost.
How do we have peace with God? Through trusting in His provision - the Gospel of His Son. Christ died for our sins! Romans 5:1 states this so clearly. Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ...
What do you own? It might not be much. But as we follow Christ in the Gospel, we look forward to an inheritance that's out of this world... And is the whole world as well
We want to provide healthy conditions for growth. Well, the Bible shares how we can find that. Consider Ephesians 4 as the blueprint for Christian growth. And there's a two-word prepositional phrase that points us to the great greenhouse for all Christian growth. If you do not have these two words, you will not have spiritual growth.
Certain prophecies change our expectations... This one sure did for the religious leaders of Jesus' day. And as He challenged them to believe it, He was challenging them to accept Him as Lord. Let's learn from David, and follow Jesus as Lord! And, might I add, do it before you are forced to by His strong arm. "The LORD says to my Lord: 'Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet'" (Psalm 110:1)
Psalm 145 is one of my favorites. Each phrase has truth to chew on throughout the day. Today it was this one for me: 18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. The idea that God is near can be a terror... without the cross. But Jesus has brought Him near. And He has done it through His cross. He is that ruth that enables me to truthfully and sincerely draw near to Him... in my flesh I cannot draw near in truth.
What do you need to please God? Well, its actually what you don't need. You don't need to trust yourself, your works, or your own wisdom. The Bible says, "without ______, it is impossible to please God." What is the answer to that blank?
The Old Testament gives so many good principles. And it speaks of our Lord . . . in shadows. But as Christ came, so came the reality of which the shadow spoke.
God delights to forgive?! Yes, absolutely. We often think of that as a very important principle in the New Testament but it taught so clearly in the Old Testament as well. Let's find hope in the Lord's desire not to punish but to forgive as He punishes Himself in our stead! Consider Ezekiel.
Another amazing group of prophecies comes from the promise of a New Covenant to Israel. In these God promises so many things. In Ezekiel He promises an eternal covenant and it comes through Atonement.
As we look at election day, we need to look into our Bibles and remember who is the winner of every election ever! This side wins that side wins. At times that has been received with blood on the streets. The Book of Daniel is written to calm everyone to know that God is sovereign over every reign. THE MOST POWERFUL OF DICTATORS HAD TOS AY THAT WHEN GOD HUMBLED HIM: Daniel 4:35 (NASB95) 35“All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of heaven And among the inhabitants of earth; And no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’ Even those who oppose God will find themselves coming up short. He is in charge. So don’t fear my friends. God is sovereign. No matter who wins… God wins - Make sure you are on His side.
This is an amazing Bible study as you look at it in context. As Ezekiel prophecies of the Glory of God leaving (through a vision), the Lord prophecies through him of a future time when there would be a New Spirit given... This is fulfilled 600 years later in the book of Acts 2:3-4.
Does God want to save you? Well, that's a good question. According to 1 Timothy 2, the Bible states that God wants to save all! #salvation #forgiveness
As we read about Ezekiel, Isaiah, and John appear before the glory of God, we see them fall on their face. And yet, we find because of Jesus we have access into His thorne room. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16 ).