God is a Stronghold, A Fortress - Exposing one of Satan’s tactics.

Another encouraging “God is…” Today. It is another defensive metaphor. God is my fortress.

Psalm 27 states: "The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?"

The text states the emotional rest the person has based on the strength of the fortress. A fortress is where you run to be safe when under attack. And the strength of the fortress correlates directly to the feelings of security of those who dwell there.

Our God is Almighty. He is an impenetrable fortress. So rest. Rest secure in His Presence.

One of satan’s tactics of fear is to cause Christians to dwell on him and his minions instead of considering the strength of our GOD. Don’t stare out the window at the formations of your enemy. Rest in the comfort and consolation of God as your Fortress!


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