What's #REFORMATION DAY! What are 5 Solas? Who was Luther and why does this fall on #halloween ?
1517 October 31st the eve of All Saints Day, when the Roman Catholic church would remember the merits of all the saints instead of Christ alone opposing Faith alone and Scripture alone, Martin Luther decided to challenge the scholars of the day about what was going on in church tradition. He didn’t plan to start a movement. But move he did. The nail in the door opened the door to the truth of the Gospel. The hammer thud sounds out ringing out across Europe and all across the globe to this day. What are the solas? What do they mean? Are they biblical? Sola means alone in Latin. These fives solas are summaries of principles that the Reformation stands for – not that Martin Luther or Zwingli or Huss came up with them… Luther didn’t print up t-shirts with 5 solas blaring on them.But as we look back at that time, we find that what began symbolically at that nailing of the grievances on the church door can be summarized in five principles – five “onlys”. The “only” is important. The Roman C...