
Showing posts from October, 2023

What's #REFORMATION DAY! What are 5 Solas? Who was Luther and why does this fall on #halloween ?

1517 October 31st the eve of All Saints Day, when the Roman Catholic church would remember the merits of all the saints instead of Christ alone opposing Faith alone and Scripture alone, Martin Luther decided to challenge the scholars of the day about what was going on in church tradition. He didn’t plan to start a movement. But move he did. The nail in the door opened the door to the truth of the Gospel. The hammer thud sounds out ringing out across Europe and all across the globe to this day. What are the solas? What do they mean? Are they biblical? Sola means alone in Latin. These fives solas are summaries of principles that the Reformation stands for – not that Martin Luther or Zwingli or Huss came up with them… Luther didn’t print up t-shirts with 5 solas blaring on them.But as we look back at that time, we find that what began symbolically at that nailing of the grievances on the church door can be summarized in five principles – five “onlys”. The “only” is important. The Roman C...

Deeper #Bible Study - LESSON 2 "The Amazing Message of Mark!" Learn to Study God's Word #BibleStudy

  Lesson 2 - Mark Chapter 2-3

Is the BIBLE ENOUGH!? Sufficiency of Scripture

Do you need a fresh word from GOD? Actually, each time you open the Bible you have a fresh word from God. It is new every morning as God’s Spirit speaks with you. But if you are looking for something better, or someone to share something more you will always be disappointed. THE BIBLE WILL EQUIP YOU FOR - EVERY GOOD WORK. Equip has reference to a room having all that it needs. It needs nothing else. YOU HAVE ALL YOU NEED TO DO ALL YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DO . . . in the Bible. The Bible term for this is sufficiency.  Bible Driven Christians believe that the Bible is sufficient. If you believe that - then if you are not in the Word then you are not equipping yourself. You stand today unequipped to fulfill the work God has for you. So get in the Word my friend!

Learn to Study the #Bible for Yourself- "The Amazing Message of Mark!" Learn the #Inductive approach to #BibleStudy

This Fall we'll be digging into the Gospel of Mark and gain a great understanding of that book and sharpen our skills at Inductive Bible Study. Please join us! Harvest House Media offers their Inductive Study Bibles for our channel at 50% off - Type in Richmond50 at the checkout: Here is a good option for pens: Get some 3by5 cards, colored pencils and be ready for the first class, October 22nd!

God is a Stronghold, A Fortress - Exposing one of Satan’s tactics.

Another encouraging “God is…” Today. It is another defensive metaphor. God is my fortress. Psalm 27 states: "The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?" The text states the emotional rest the person has based on the strength of the fortress. A fortress is where you run to be safe when under attack. And the strength of the fortress correlates directly to the feelings of security of those who dwell there. Our God is Almighty. He is an impenetrable fortress. So rest. Rest secure in His Presence. One of satan’s tactics of fear is to cause Christians to dwell on him and his minions instead of considering the strength of our GOD. Don’t stare out the window at the formations of your enemy. Rest in the comfort and consolation of God as your Fortress!

📖#FREE KINDLE #BOOK - WELCOME to the #Christian #FAMILY #Daily #Devotional #shorts #FreeBook #NYC

Are you a new #Christian ? Or are you working with a new Christian to grow? This book is made for you. It has seven beginner lessons to help you begin to grow strong in your Christian faith. Consider going through it with a friend. The book is available as a free Kindle download through Wednesday. Please avail yourself of the free kindle download! Link to free download:

⚠️DANGER‼️TREND of TICKLISH #TEACHING 📣#GOD warns in #BIBLE - #Daily #Christian #Devotional #Shorts

  Danger! The Trend of Ticklish Teaching The Bible warns of a time when people will stack up teachers who will just give them what their desires want to hear… Like an ear that wants to be itched. They search and search and search till they find someone who will tell them that what they desire to do is right… And as they do this, they will reject wholesome teaching. .. teaching that will heal… at times that means – don’t do what that desire wants to do. So BE CAREFUL WHAT AND WHO YOU FOLLOW AND LISTEN TO: Are they teaching the WHOLESOME WORD – THE BIBLE – or just meandering over what people want to hear? 2 Timothy 4:3–4 (NLT) 3For a time is comixng when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4They will reject the truth and chase after myths.

DON’T #HIKE #LIFE without God’s #LIGHT 🔦 #Daily #Christian #Devotional #God #Bible

Hiking at night without a light or lamp is very dangerous... I nearly walked into a ditch last night after just a few steps. In the same way, it is not safe to go a few steps in our own lives without the Light of God's Word. Follow it closely. It will keep you out of the ditch! "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105).