
Showing posts from March, 2022

Your Life As A Commute: A parable for how we live and where we are going...

  Your commute to work or home may be short or it might be long. Compared to your whole week, the commute is a short space of time. But whether it is short or long, it is true that you do not live for that commute, you live for the destination after the commute.  In fact, we feel sorry for those who live on the commute with all their goods. We have empathy as we see how difficult life can be! Spiritually, Jesus has a similar feeling of empathy for those who live as if there were no eternal destination. They are amassing wealth and experiences as if the commute was all there is to our existence. Jesus calls them a fool.  Follow me from my commute to a very important spot to consider your life's commute and what Jesus teaches about being prepared for eternity. Life is fast, learn this important lesson!

The Patience of the Waterfall

Difficult tasks are easy, one drop at a time. I don’t know if you have tried to build a waterfall. I have, and drilling through rock takes good tools, strength and a lot of time. Drilling through stone is so difficult!   But then I look at the Great Falls of Patterson, NJ, just a 45 minute drive from NYC. Water has gently, patiently carved out a beautiful scene drop by drop falling patiently on granite—hard stone after hard stone. And voilà, a masterpiece! When you look at your life’s mound of difficult tasks today, don’t shrink back at the difficulty or strenuous effort needed to complete all of them. Just take the next step, always looking unto Jesus the of the Author and Finisher of your faith. He will give you the strength, one step at a time, one drop at a time to finish the race. Keep plugging friends!

Christ in the Old Testament through Christophanies

Every time I read through my Old Testament, I’m amazed again at how often Jesus Christ appears. Not only does He speak and bring all things into being in Genesis 1, He often appears in human form to walk and talk with what He has made before taking on human flesh (at incarnation). I want to pass along a list of these to you because I’m afraid we often don’t see Christ in the Old Testament as we should. That is not a new problem. Following Jesus’ resurrection, His conversation with His followers included several rebukes and corrections. The harshest one should be one that should be echoed from this article through churches today. Listen to Him on the road to Emmaus:   “And He said to them, ‘O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scri...