
Showing posts from January, 2022

Book Recommendation - Spurgeon Biography by Dallimore A Life Committed t...

I love this book and its value to us as Christians. Spurgeon is a great example of a heart for Christ and His church... in an urban metropolis. His was a life with many difficulties both spiritual and physical trials. But God used him in a great way to further Christ's kingdom. Let me encourage this biography to you as well as many other biographies. These are good friends to have!

2022 Bible Reading Plan

One of the most important aspects to your Christian walk is having a Bible reading program that you stick to faithfully. It is more important to your spiritual health than diet and exercise are to your physical health. So, let me prescribe something for you in 2022. More Bible and prayer!  Here is our church Bible reading program for 2022 ( Link here to pdf) . A few highlights about this plan: 1. It is chronological.  I like a little change each year, so this one hits your Bible reading in a year in the sequence of the historical timeline. A nice way to change up the order, that provides additional instruction, but still allows you to make it through in a year... which is important - see number 2. 2. It covers the whole Bible.  Our Christian culture needs to be reading through the entire Bible regularly. There are ideas that grow because someone reads only a handful of heart-warming verses without understanding the whole Scriptural context of God's revelation to us. You n...

2022 Book Recommendations / Good Habits and Resolutions / Happy New Year...

    I have three books to recommend to you this week. And in doing so, let me encourage the first one as your primary habit for anyone to put into place whether or not you are a Christian. Take the challenge to read through the best selling book of all time. The Bible. I recommend a reading program for us this year as well as two other books in this video. I'll begin to post a reading recommendation in 2022 each week, but I'll only share this on this YouTube channel (and this blog) so subscribe if you want those updates.  Here are the recommendations for this week:  1. The Chronological Bible Reading Schedule: Ok, the most important thing is to be reading the Bible every week. But, its also good to plan a variety in your consistent, daily Bible reading. This plan does just that. I'll have a couple reading plans available Sunday. Here is the Chronological Bible we'll be reading as a church:   I recommend a few ot...