
Showing posts from January, 2019

What Cold Teaches of God's Faithfulness

Its cold outside! What do we learn from cold? We learn a whole bunch! We learn that we need warmth. We learn how to bundle up. We learn how easy it would be for all of life to die on earth. Our existence is so fragile! If the earth were just a little further from the sun, we would freeze to where life would not be sustainable… Just a little closer to the sun and we would all burn up! God has placed us at a perfect distance! And the word of Christ keeps us there. But winter comes along once a year to us in NYC and it gets cold. This is about as cold a day as we’ve had here in a long time! I do love the cold crisp air though. But let me encourage you that are cryaphobic, in just a few short months it will be spring! So, enjoy the cold air. Get out in it and take into your senses how God has made this engine called the environment work. Our seasons trigger all that spring will give us. We need the cold for the seeds to think that they need warmth so that eventually there are leaves ...

Finding Faith

Do you find it hard to trust? Perhaps you don't give yourself enough credit. We exercise unbelievable amounts of faith every day. Let me encourage you to consider how much you trust others to do what they say they will do, and in turn, trust God to do for you what He has promised to do. In this video, I’m flying over NYC. I love this city! It is packed with beautiful people from all over the world and it’s a passion of my life to bring as many of these folks to become followers of Jesus. That they too might find the joy of worshiping the Lord that life satisfying relationship with our Creator! Starting that relationship is conditioned on one factor. How can I come to God and develop a relationship? As we are seeing in our current sermon series at Grace; it is faith. And I’m sharing this with this view because faith is well illustrated by a plane. I don’t know who the pilot is. I guess I know what there name is now. I know that LaGuardia is going through a crazy constructio...

Ask Attempt 10 Year Outreach and Bonsai / Sowing Seed

Join us in our 10 Year Ask Attempt Outreach  - Fund and Prayer Chain! Please take a moment to view this video and join us in our 10 year - Ask Attempt outreach. We want to ask the Lord to bring fruit, and attempt to share the Gospel in our neighborhood. Join us! You can give and volunteer to pray on our website: I will keep this link updated with our progress in fund raising and with those of you who sign up for a prayer slot. Thanks so much for your help!