Lloyd Jones and Billy Graham – Association or Separation

I just finished Ian Murray’s biography on Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones. His ministry is an inspiration to me. I love the simple consistency he exhibited and his reliance upon God ordained methods to accomplish God’s purposes. One area I find Lloyd Jones exhibited great wisdom was how he graciously resisted the overwhelming tide of the ecumenism of his day. Dr. Lloyd Jones believed that the ends should not justify the means. In the 1950’s, ecumenism in England was championed by most Evangelical leaders. Leaders like J I Packer believed that they were to gain greater respect by association with and dialog within theologically liberal associations. The hope was to heal the cancerous body from within by being a healthy cell. His end goal – a more respected evangelical voice. His means – accommodation with theological error. Most conservative evangelicals [1] today side with Lloyd Jones against Packer. Association with those who deny funda...