Help for Bipolar Church Planters

EXPLORING THE PROBLEM Church planting is a rush, an adventure, an intoxicating ride. Church planting is discouraging, a disaster, an uphill climb. And more often than not it is all of these at the same time! As I think back on four years of ups and downs of church planting at Grace I've come to wonder if at times I was on the verge of the disorder some psychologist call bipolar. If I understand correctly, a person with this disorder will go through extreme highs (manic) and extreme lows (depressive). These two emotional opposites swing back and forth forming a yo yo of personalities and emotions. Riding the church planting roller coaster can wreak similar emotional havoc. If you don't even out the emotional ride you will develop two personalities as a church planter and neither extreme are consistent with the 'sober mind' required of a minister of the Gospel. The bipolar dynamic-some of this cannot be helped. ...