
Showing posts from December, 2020

20 Reasons to be Happy About 2020

I'm sure that I’m not alone in saying that we’re all ready to turn a page on this past year. But before we do, let’s honor the biblical command to give thanks in all things. Consider 20 reasons to be thankful to God in 2020. (And add a few of your own reasons in the comments below!) 1. You are alive! Begin with the basics. We can’t take life for granted. Each time your heart beats or your protons and neutrons continue to swing around each one of your atom’s nucleuses (sp?), you can thank the Lord Jesus for holding you together by the Word of His power. Each heart beat, each thought is a new gift from above. I’m reminded of a friend who has had an extremely difficult seven years who recently shared this thought with me from Ecclesiastes: “For whoever is joined with all the living, there is hope; surely a live dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4). Ok, so you don’t feel like your strength was like a lion this year. But at least you are alive. If you are alive you have ho...

Comfort in Distress

     Have you faced something distressing recently? I know many in our church family have faced some extremely difficult life circumstances. Some have lost a close family member or found out about cancer. Most of us have been enduring this difficult period of time for an extended period of time as a church community, city and as a Country.      I realize these sentences are not news to you. And yet, I bring them up because I’ve been encouraged lately by similar sentences penned by the Apostle Paul in the Bible.  I’ve been reading 2 Corinthians in my time with the Lord and wanted to share with you some of Paul’s difficulties as well as how he found comfort and “did not lose heart.”       Paul describes difficulties that outweigh most of our life’s weights. Listen to these words, and perhaps you will identify with a handful of them: He faced affliction (1:4, 6, 8). He faced sufferings (1:5, 6, 7) He was burdened excessively, beyond ou...

Motivational Biographies - Samuel Pearce

We glean so much from the lives of good friends, right? I find the same is true from others that I've never met, but I read about in Christian biographies. These people have lived for the Lord and leave us a legacy in writing. I'm thankful for biographers who dig up their testimony and share their lives with us. Today we consider Samuel Pearce a young man who was passionate for the Lord and the millions who did not have the opportunity to hear of Him. Consider his testimony summarized in this video. You can purchase the book here:

Bible Reading Calendar for Advent 2020

 Final Five Days to Christmas reading schedule: Download a pdf file here. Feel free to share, copy, duplicate and change as much as you would like.