Happy Reformation Day!

Of course, everyone knows what we celebrate October 31st -- an anti-establishment day if there ever was one… Reformation Day! It was October 31st over 500 years ago (1517 wow!) that Martin Luther nailed 95 grievances (theses) on the church door in Whittenburg Castle. These were not meant to overthrow the political establishment of the day to bring a renewed zeal to hold conscience to the Bible and the Bible alone (sola scriptura). But that’s what God did with them. Truly, "The weakness of God is stronger than men (1 Cor. 1:25)." The posting of grievances was more than just a challenge of the Roman Catholic Church’s authority, it was an appeal to a public debate. He was saying, “I think that Scripture has 95 clear problems with what is being taught today, and here they are. Please, show me if I am wrong.” Most of the grievances dealt with the Catholic church’s practice of selling “indulgences” for the dead. In effect they were saying, “If you pay this much, you can purchase t...