
Showing posts from May, 2019

Reasonable Design - Facts that promote faith.

Facts that promote faith. This week's blog gets to the cosmological argument for the existence of God. Enjoy! Reasonable Design - Facts that promote faith. via @YouTube  #Theology #ForestHills #Construction

God’s Word is Powerful

God's Word is Powerful! - This week's video. As the mountain stream cuts through the granite cliff, so God's Word cuts through my heart. His Word, the Bible, is the most powerful agent in your life! He promises to use it to instruct you, speak to you, change you, and build you up. Unleash this power in your life. Allow God's Spirit to have free reign within you buy providing the sword that He promises to use. Take up and read today.

Pigeons: God’s antidote for anxiety.

Are you anxious today? One beautifully bright beam from the glory of God that is for you today is that God cares. He cares for you! So don't be anxious. Jesus encourages us to think about the birds in this light. Let's examine how birds teach us to trust. He cares for you!