The Purpose of Praise Ruined by Rags

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working a bit in our Dining Room, trying to fill in cracks and re-plaster a fresh smooth surface to our wall. That is easier said than done. Especially since my wall smoothing gifts with a trowel and joint compound are far from professional. Yet with enough trial and error, it works just fine. But “trial and error” means messy; so a good rag is essential to keeping things neat. I was so happy when in the middle of one of those trial and errors this week, that I glanced at a family towel and saw written across the whole length – “RAG.” It was no longer to be used for normal drying but for sopping up dirt and grime. I chose not to use the curtains that are designed to make the window beautiful and pleasant. I chose to use the old, dirty, ripped up towel designated “RAG.” God used a similar illustration with Jeremiah. Our Creator loves using illustrations to get our attention. “Thu...