
Showing posts from December, 2010

What is Gospel?

The word Gospel refers to sharing good news with someone. In Greek, it is composed of two seperate buildingblocks: The prefix eu (good) + the word angelo (angel or messenger). Consider a N.T. illustration. Paul was only with the Thessalonian believers for a few weeks before he was persecuted and thrown out of the city. Because of his quick departure he feared that those who professed Christ during his short ministry there would be scattered. So, he sent Timothy to Thessalonica to see if they continued in the faith. Timothy visited and discovered good news regarding their faith. In turn, Timothy came back and “brought the good news” about them (1 Thessalonians 3:6). This is the only time this word is used in the N.T. where it does not refer to the good news about Jesus (although in one sense this is related). Timothy was the bearer of good news to Paul about the Thessalonian believers. As Gospel proclaimers we have good news handed to us from God – that His Son died for all. It is our j...

"Earth's crammed with heaven"

I came across this quote when finishing up reading “The Shack” by Young ( Here's a quick review of the book). It is from Elizabeth Browning’s Aurora Leigh: “And truly, I reiterate, . . nothing’s small! No lily-muffled hum of a summer-bee, But finds a coupling with the spinning stars; No pebble at your foot, but proves a sphere; No chaffinch, but implies the cherubim: And,-glancing on my own thin, veined wrist,- In such a little tremour of the blood The whole strong glamour of a vehement soul Doth utter itself distinct. Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round and pick blackberries, And daub their natural faces unaware More and more from the first similitude.”