
Showing posts from May, 2020

Night-time Medicine for the Soul - God is our Shield

At night we are susceptible to many temptations that we might not be exposed to in the day. So we should be armed with specific truths to remember during the night. They are night-time medicine for our soul. Let’s look at one of these in our video today. #Rest #BibleTruths #Devotional

Can God use me? A lesson from a NYC cornfield

That is a good question. And yet, there are a couple other questions we should ask before that one which will help us determine the answer. Let's consider an illustration from a cornfield, a lunch, and a vine.

Word of Comfort

"Word of Comfort" Need some positive news today? Find it in God’s message to you: He wants to be with you! Even when others are distancing, God is drawing near. via @YouTube #SocialDistancing #GodisNear #PostiveNews #comfort